What can organic germanium do to enhance your performance?
Alex Hunt Spartan Race Interview
Larry: What is your name? Alex: My name is Alex Hunt. Larry: And what did you just finish? Alex: I just finished the 8.6-mile Spartan Super. Larry: How many people were in your heat? Alex: There was 404 I think in my heat. Larry: And what position did you finish in that heat? Alex: I finished twentieth out of the 404. It was my first Spartan Race. Larry: First Spartan Race! How long have you been practicing? Alex: I’ve been training for the last six months. This is the first ever race and I started taking the Organinc Germanium 132 just last week and upped some of my training. I noticed a difference in the way I breathing and in my endurance. In this race, I didn’t start sweating until mile 7! I respirated kind of hard going up some of the hills, but once I was able to catch my breath again, by the time I got to the finish line, I felt like I could go another eight miles. I’m not a runner, so I was pretty impressed with this race. Larry: And you finished what in your age group? Alex: Fourth overall Larry: That’s fantastic! Alex: Yeah! Larry: And at our altitude, you got up to about what? Alex: Let’s see, we went 1500 feet of vertical climb here so 8000 feet. But I feel Great! Post race I feel amazing and that’s a big deal. Larry: It is! Perhaps we should have just stared loading a little sooner. Alex: Yeah. Maybe loading a little sooner I wouldn’t have respirated so hard up the hills, but I’ll definitely be doing another one and I’ll try it again! Larry: Yeah! Great! I really appreciate your comments on this! Alex: Thank you!
Part 2
Alex Hunt Spartan Race Interview 2
Larry: So, you’re gonna do some more races?
Alex: Yeah, I’m gonna do more races! I want to do at least one a year, maybe more.
Larry: And you think if you would have started loading up a little earlier that the beginning of the race would have been better?
Alex: I think so.
Larry: Cause I really thought that the beginning of the race would have been better and that’s where you would have passed everyone.
Alex: Yeah, I actually had to run back to the locker two minutes before the race started to get my gray wrist band because I wasn’t aware that we had to have the gray one on. The guy wouldn’t let me in the gate, so I was at the very end of the heat when it started. And I had to run to the lockers and back here.
Larry: And how far is that?
Alex: About half a mile, so I added a about three-quarters of a mile to the race by having to start that way. And then I slipped on the first monkey bars cause of these gloves, it was my first time. Then I took them off and breezed right through them and killed all the rest of the obstacles. I was impressed! I feel like I’m breathing easier and I’d be willing to try it again.
Larry: So, your recovery time is remarkable.
Alex: I think so!
Larry: And when I saw you, I took some photographs of when you were coming down to go up that first wall. I could not even keep up with trying to get ahead of you to take photographs!
Alex: That’s when I felt my best, was right there at the end of the race!
Larry: I couldn’t believe how fast you pulled it up! How heavy was that bag?
Alex: I don’t know, 80-100 pounds.
Larry: You pulled that up about 20 feet, tied it off, I couldn’t believe how fast you did that!
Alex: That was fun! I feel great! I know I’ve trained hard and that’s a big reason I did well, but I feel like I had a little edge, a little boost today taking that Germanium.
Larry: And as soon as you finished, I couldn’t tell for sure, but was it because of the Germanium or because your kid’s race was starting?
Alex: Because I wanted to get to the kid’s race, I still had breath to go! I ran and then I did part of the kid’s race wit Ramie, who’s right there!
Larry: Alrighty! I appreciate all your comments!
Alex: You bet!
Pure Ge-132 Germanium is a unique organogermanium compound, bis-carboxyethyl germanium sesquioxide, sometimes called just germanium sesquioxide. It has unique molecular characteristics which make it virtually unreactive in the body, and its small particle size and unique structure permit it to be readily cleared in the urine as the intact molecule.
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